Budgetary institution Šiauliai Tourism Information Center
Vilniaus st. 213-90, LT-76348 Šiauliai



In 2024 June 6-29 The 63rd annual exhibition of the Šiauliai branch of the Lithuanian Artists' Union will be held at the Šiauliai Art Gallery.

Exhibition opening on Thursday, June 6, at 5:30 p.m. Visiting the exhibition during the opening is free.



The 63rd annual exhibition of Šiauliai city artists has a cult status, so there is no need to promote it in particular, but it is necessary to remind a few things. This is one of the longest group exhibitions in Lithuania. It is an ongoing event that has shaped several generations of artists. It is an annual exhibition that was wanted to be closed or ignored, and which was always reborn with new energy or ideas. It is a social phenomenon of city life, whose history, biographies of participants, and iconography of works reflect the vibrant history of the city, the change in its taste, values, and life.

Therefore, the exhibition should be seen not as one of many, but as an event that creates an annals of the art and culture of this city, which combines the coincidences of time into a coherent narrative. What is the most important thing about it? A diversity of authors for this story that you won’t see at any other event. Therefore, the participants of the exhibition have a unique opportunity to feel and see again and again, to compare and find the pulse of the artistic life of the city and to understand their place in the common field of this creation.

This is how the specific values of regionalism are announced. Unique to this place and time. The most important thing is that not only the artists, but also the audience of the exhibition can experience similar feelings, experience the common fate of artists and city residents, read its encryption in the themes, shapes, textures and colors of the works of the exhibition. That’s why participating in this exhibition, as an author or as a viewer, you understand, at least for a moment, what it means to be a real “Siauliese”.

– art critic Virginijus Kinčinaitis.


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Dear visitors, when participating in exhibition openings, you do not mind that they can be filmed or photographed, and their photos are published on the Šiauliai Art Gallery’s website, in the media or on social networks.