Budgetary institution Šiauliai Tourism Information Center
Vilniaus st. 213-90, LT-76348 Šiauliai


Nature objects

Location of service provided

Radviliškis district

For people with disabilities

Kudinai hillfort, is also called by the names of Šiaule, Kalnai, Šiaulėnai.

The hillfort is located on separate mound, and dates back to the begining of 1st - 2nd millennium. Within the distance of 150 m in the northwest direction there is Varpine(Belfry) mound, farther - Kartuvių( Gallows) mound.

The hilltop is round -25 m in diameter. There is a rampart 1 m high and 10 m wide at the southern and northern edges of the hiitop. 6 m wide terrace is on the northern side. A cross is erected in the center. The slopes of the hill are steep, 12 -18 m in height.

The hillfort can be reached driving along the road Šiaulėnai-Šaukotas-Pašušvys (road no.3403). At the 3rd kilometer you have to turn right. Having covered the distance of 1.5 km to the parking place near Siaule observation tower, you will have to walk 800 m to the hillfor called Šiaule mound.

