Budgetary institution Šiauliai Tourism Information Center
Vilniaus st. 213-90, LT-76348 Šiauliai


Museums, Siauliai

Location of service provided

Šiauliai city

Pathological anatomy doctor Osvaldas Lapienis (1928-2001), who in 1953 started working in Šiauliai hospital, was the first pathological anatomy specialist in Šiauliai area. The doctor applied scientifically based research methods and from the first years of work took up an interesting idea: establishment of the medical museum. Pathology specialist’s idea was to familiarise doctors and all diagnostic specialists with the development of most distinct diseases and their detection possibilities. Cooperating with Šiauliai companies, O. Lapienis designed a knife sharpener for microscopic products, introduced new histological examination methods, established a photolaboratory for photographing microscopic preparations. In addition, he consulted and carried out investigations to diagnose diseases for patients of both Šiauliai city hospitals and many medical institutions of Šiauliai region. O. Lapienis accumulated a collection of macroscopic preparations of organs, established a museum (with over 500 exhibits), which is regarded the largest museum of pathological anatomy of Lithuania. The current museum exhibition displays sections of various pathologically altered organs, enabling to perceive the effects of the illness. This whole painstaking work was performed by the very doctor O. Lapienis.

