Interesting places, Siauliai

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Šiauliai city

When in 1975, the central part of the street turned into a calm and cosy pedestrian boulevard, it was attempted to beautify and decorate it with small architectural objects created by Šiauliai artists. The white marble sculpture “Three Elves”, created in 1977, also represents small architecture decorating the boulevard.

When chestnuts flare up with white candles of blossoms, it seems that three elves standing on the avenue named after them revive. Serious and dignified are these small bearded men but their seriousness radiates kindness and recalls good trolls from Scandinavian mythology. The author of the elfins sculptor Birutė Kasperavičienė assures that elves’ faces are childish and do not depict anything. This triplet had belonged to the city since the very beginning, it has become liked by Šiauliai residents and guests of the city.

